Has your self esteem been holding you back?

Has your low self-esteem has become a barrier to your goals and dreams? Is your self-esteem impacting your sense of self and relationships.



Is Low Self-Esteem Negatively Affecting Every Aspect Of Your Life?

Are you stuck in a cycle of self-criticism that deprives you of joy? Is your inner voice telling you that you don’t deserve love? Do you wish you felt good about yourself instead of being plagued by self-doubt?

When you look around at everyone else, it probably seems like they are brimming with self-confidence and sure of everything they do, but maybe you’ve never felt that way. For as long as you remember, perhaps you haven’t felt worthy of love or happiness. If you doubt yourself and your abilities, you may resist taking risks and find yourself stuck at a job—or in a relationship—that you outgrew years ago. 

Even though you’re older now, maybe there’s a lingering self-consciousness that holds you back from having the life you want. You might avoid social events because you feel awkward around other people. And because you lack confidence and don’t feel good about yourself, you may be unsure how to make good choices when it comes to relationships. 

It might seem like you’re always trying to win the approval of your partner. Perhaps you use sex as a currency to feel valued even when your sexual partner is not the right person for you. You may engage in  self-destructive behaviors like abusing substances because you don’t value yourself the way you should.

Luckily, therapy for low self-esteem can help you build back the self-confidence and self-love you’ve been lacking. You can learn how to love and accept yourself and realize that you are worthy of the love and acceptance of others.


Counseling can help you unlock the keys to positive self-esteem

If you’re struggling to feel good about yourself, it’s helpful to work with a supportive and caring therapist who can help you discover a more realistic sense of self that strips away negative and critical thoughts. I aim to be an ally who will help you focus on the positives and encourage you to step out of your comfort zone so that you can build more confidence.

In our initial session, I will ask you what your primary concerns are that you hope to improve through therapy. We will  examine what has led to your feelings of low self-esteem, measure the intensity of your struggles, and explore how they’ve affected your relationships, job, and daily life. From there, we will develop goals and objectives to gradually help you build your self-confidence and foster love for yourself. 

In ongoing sessions, I will invite you to dig deep to find solutions to your own problems. By guiding you to recall times when you successfully improved your self-esteem or reached a goal, I will help you identify your strengths and recognize that the key to better self-esteem already resides within you. Moreover, I will ask you to imagine what life would look like if you didn’t lack self-confidence and to think about the goals and dreams you might be putting off because you haven’t felt worthy of them in the past.

I find Solution Focused Therapy (SFT) to be an effective approach to therapy for low self-esteem. SFT identifies practical solutions to issues that can be resolved in the short term. This approach will help you develop a positive self-image as well as provide you with tools to address whatever you may be struggling with specifically. For example, SFT can help with confidence builders such as taking more pride in your appearance, becoming more assertive, or regaining your motivation at work or in school. By focusing on your ability to solve problems, you will learn that you can control your reactions to situations and make positive changes in your life. 


Low Self-Esteem Is A Common Struggle For Many People Throughout Their Lives.

According to the Dove Self-Esteem Project, “Seven in ten girls believe they are not good enough or do not measure up in some way, including their looks, performance in school and relationships with friends and family members.” It’s common for most people—especially women—to have issues with self-esteem at some point in their lives. While there are certain times in life, like adolescence, when we are especially vulnerable to self-consciousness and low self-esteem, sometimes our lack of confidence carries through to adulthood. When low self-esteem persists, it can lead to mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and eating disorders.

Self-esteem is usually fostered by a sense of being loved and valued by our parents. For those of us who suffer from low self-esteem, this sense of being loved and valued may have been undermined, thereby destabilizing our sense of self. Perhaps when our parents directed critical comments toward us or negatively compared us to our siblings, we developed insecurities that we haven’t outgrown. 

In other instances, we may have experienced life events that eroded our self-esteem, such as losing a job, being overlooked for a promotion, or going through a break-up. When you add to these factors the pressure that social media puts on us to look and act perfectly at all times, it’s no wonder so many of us suffer from low self-esteem. 

Most of us struggle to overcome not feeling good about ourselves by addressing it superficially rather than examining the underlying issues. We might try to lose weight or change our outward appearance in an attempt to feel better, but we usually have to dig a little deeper to get to the root of the problem. Fortunately, counseling can help you get to the root of low self esteem. You can learn to build up your self-confidence and silence your self-doubt.  

In addition, “person-centered” therapy—where you will examine yourself from the inside out—can help reduce the intensity of the feelings associated with low self-esteem by identifying negative self-talk. Once you recognize what triggers low self-esteem in you, such as the way you look when you try on clothes, you can begin to acknowledge that your limits are self-imposed. When you learn to evaluate the situations that make your self-esteem plummet and replace the negative thoughts with new, self-affirming ones, your outlook will change. Becoming more objective and forgiving of yourself is the key to overcoming the powerful hold low self-esteem has had on you.  

Counseling fo self-esteem, can empower you to discover the confidence you’ve been missing in your life. With therapy, you can feel revitalized and ready to achieve the goals you’ve been putting off. 


You may believe therapy can help you but you still have concerns about self-esteem therapy.

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Therapy is for treating serious mental disorders, not low self-esteem. You can think of self-esteem as the stable foundation upon which the rest of your mental health is built. Evidence has shown that self-esteem issues can lead to more serious and complex mental health disorders. Rather than wait for your mood and behavior to get worse, it’s better to examine how you’re feeling now and find the solutions to what’s bothering you.

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I can address my low self-esteem on my own. You might have tried turning to self-help books or online resources thinking they will help improve your self-esteem, but has that worked so far? Probably not. Trying to build self-esteem by yourself will usually only get you so far. That’s because it often takes adopting a fresh perspective to make lasting changes in your behavior and achieve peace of mind. On your own, you are limited by the constraints of your own perspective. Therapy provides a new lens through which to see yourself and gives you the chance to work on yourself and process what you’ve been experiencing in a safe environment where you are permitted to express how you feel without judgment.

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I don’t have time for self-esteem counseling. Don’t you think it’s time to put yourself first and prioritize the time necessary to make positive changes in your life? For your convenience, I am available on evenings and weekends in addition to regular business hours. What’s more, I conduct the majority of therapy for low self-esteem online, so you can receive treatment from the comfort of your home and avoid commuting to and from my office.


You Are Worthy Of Love, Especially Your Own Love

Self-love is what we all need to thrive in life, and counseling is a critical tool in helping you achieve it. For a free, 15-minute consultation, please contact us.